Friday, October 12, 2007

One Light Town

Arusha is now a "one light town." A traffic light was recently installed (as in since I've arrived a week ago) and just started functioning yesterday. It is quite a strange concept for many people here and they didn't grow up with the understanding that green means go and red means stop. My friend Meagan told me about teaching a group of people the game "Red Light, Green Light" and that was dangerous enough! Now we're playing the game with cars and pedestrians. Last night as I was being dropped off at home we passed through this intersection. I saw a lot of people waiting patiently for the walk signal to cross the street, and I thought wow, they're already following the rules perfectly! But then I noticed that the light was already green the way that they were heading and that they were actually just watching. I suppose it would be fascinating to me as well if I had never seen traffic move in this fashion. If I get bored this Saturday night at least now I know where the most happening spot in town is :)


Anonymous said...

Howdy. I'm glad you're doing ok. It's been a long journey.

As for this post, I love it! I could read this stuff for days. The small details are often the most fascinating to me.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on making it there and starting to get settled. I'm glad you're blogging your initial impressions. - I'm always amazed at how quickly the things that seem "odd" about another culture just become commonplace. Of course, then there are some things that we never quite get used to, but I think those serve as a healthy reminder that we're not really HOME yet. :) I love you, friend, and I'm so excited to hear about your adventures through this year.

Rebecca said...


I am so glad you made it there. It sounds like you are settling in. If you ever see Elidaima, could you give him a hug for me? I am praying for you and am so proud of what you are doing.



Randy Schlichting said...

Hey Julia, Dorothy and I are missing you. Glad to hear Jamie is lease purchasing. Now the car.....

Cameron said...

Carol and I saw Kerith for the first time a few hours ago at her belated Birthday celebration (Sat 27th). She is an angel. You are an angel too, an angel of mercy for whom we have the highest regard and continual prayer. Thank you for representing the Healer there in behalf of His entire Church. We love you, and will keep up to date with the blog. God's best to you now & always. The Kirkers

Anonymous said...

I just read your whole blog yesterday for the first time.
One complaint - I want more! :-)
I climbed Table Rock yesterday - remember when we did that?
After climbing Table Rock, am I ready for Kilimanjaro? :-)
Keep the comments coming.
Blessings to you, friend.
John Saavedra